Identity Access Management (IAM) offers the following features;
- Centralized control of your AWS account
- Shared Access to your AWS account
- Granular Permissions
- Identity Federation (including Active Directory , Facebook, Linkedin etc)
- Multi factor Authentication
- Provide temporary access for users/devices and services where necessary
- Allows you to set up your own password rotation policy
- Integrates with many different AWS services
- Supports PCI DSS Compliance
Key temporary
- Users
- end users such as people, employees of an organization
- ex:
- has User, Access key ID, Secret access key, Password
- Groups
- A collection of users. Each user in the group will inherit permissions of the group
- ex:
- Policies
- Polices are made up of documents, called Policy documentations. These documents are in a format called JSON and they give permission to what a User/Group/Role is able to documents
- There are AWS custom made policies, and you can make your own as well (its just JSON)
- ex:
or like AmazonSQSReadAccessOnly
- Roles
- You create roles and then assign them to AWS Resources
- Let a machine write to S3
- TLDR: Roles are a way for onw AWS user to access another aws user
- IAM roles are a secure way to grant permissions to entities that you trust. Examples of entities include the following
- IAM user in another account
- Application code running on an EC2 instance that needs to perform actions on AWS resources
- An AWS service that needs to act on resources in your account to provide its features
- Users from a corporate directory who use identity federation with SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
- ex :
which is all s3 access for EC2 instances