1. When you create a new VPC

*** Basically now we have what we see in screenshot1 ***

  1. When we create a subnet manually
  1. we made - us-east-2a pubically accessible
  1. We create internet gateway and attach to our VPC

  2. Create our route Table MyPublicNet
  1. Edit our MyPublicNet route table routes to be able to connect to public internet
  1. Associate Subnet to Route table

*** So now we have a pubic subnet ( - us-east-2a) and a private subnet ( - us-east-2b) ***

*** Basically now we have what we see in screenshot2 ***

Now lets launch two instances in our VPCs

  1. Spin up Public EC2 instance (WebServer01)
  1. Spin up Private EC2 instance (MyDBServer)

*** Basically now we have what we see in screenshot3 ***

  1. So now we can actually ssh onto our public instance

Review 1-9:

*** Now we will work on connecting our EC2 instance in our public subnet to our EC2 instance in our private subnet ***

So right now, we are unable to SSH from our public EC2 instance into the private ES2 instance as they belong to different security groups,

Since the second EC2 instance is called MyDBServer