SQL is made up of two sub-languages
History of SQL Language
SQL 86 (ANSI, 1987 ISO)
basic relationally - complete language
bag semantics, NULLs, ordering, grouping/aggregation, outer joins
SQL-89 (minor revision)
SQL-92 (major revision)
syntactic extensions: CASE, nesting
new syntax for OUTER, JOIN
SQL 1999(major revision)
divides languages into CoreSQL + packages
CoreSQL - basically SQL-92 + recursion
some packages
object oriented
active databases (triggers, enhanced ICs)
stored procedures + external language bindings
SQL: 2003 (minor revision)
more package: XML, OLAP (windowing functions)
...SQL:2006, SQL:2008, SQL: 2011
Indexes - not part of the standard
Vendor-specific physical structures
new physical structures without modifying the standard
select LastName, HireDate from Employee where Salary > 100000
-operational semantics
filter out rows for which the condition is false
eliminate attributes not listed in the select clause
-result - A RELATION with
-One attribute for each expression in the select clause
-# rows <= cardinality of the specified relation
SQL is declarative (non-navigational)
relational model : relations are sets
SQL standard: tables are multi-sets (a.k.a bags)
duplicate tuples may be stored
SQL queries may result in duplicates even if none of this input tables contain duplicates
select distinct used to eliminate duplicates from a query result
select distinct LastName, HireDate from Employee where Salary > 100000
select P.ProjNo, E.LastName from Employee E, Project P
where P.RespEmp = E.EmpNo and P.DeptNo = E21
For each project which department E21 is responsible, find the name of the employee in charge of that project
-operational semantics
form cross product
filter rows
eliminate attributes
select P.ProjNo, E.LastName from Employee E, Project P
where P.RespEmp = E.EmpNo and P.DeptNo = E21
-query -written for a particular schema, works on any instance
-schema- identifies what can be counted on
-How do I know that RespEmp values in Project will correspond to EmpNO values in Employee?
-Does the query have to worry about what to do if a Project have no responsible Employee
No, because of a foreign key constraint from RespEmp to EmpNo, and because RespEmp is defined as not NULL
select attribute-expression-list from relation-list where condition
The result of such a query is a relation which has one attribute for each element of the query’s attribute-expression-lst
attribute-expression-list can contain
relation attributes
expressions involving attributes, eg salary + bonus
built in functions
the SQL basic block represented in Relational Algebra: 𝜋 … (σ … (...✕ …))
Conditions (i.e boolean valued expressions) may include
arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /
comparisons ==, <>, <, <=, >, >=
logical connectives: and , or , not
select E.LastName from Employee E, Department D. Employee M where E.WorkDept = D.DeptNo and D.MgrNo = M.EmpNO and E.Salary > M. salary
List of last names of employees who make more than their managers
Conjunctive queries: select-from-where (without or , not)
List the identifiers of employees working on software support (E21) projects as of January 1, 2000.
select EmpNo
from Emp_Act A, Project P
where A.ProjNo = P.ProjNo
and P.DeptNo = E21
and EmStDate <= 01/01/2000
and EmEndDate <= 01/01/2000
the syntax above works in some RDBMs (relational data base management systems), however in SQL-99 datetime literals look like DATE `2000/01/01’
Does this query return duplicates?
Yes if an employee has more than one connection to E21 projects in the Emp_Act table
List the identifiers and names of department managers who are also responsible for projects “owned” by departments other than their own
select E.EmpNo, E.LastName
from Employee E, Department D, Project P
where E.EmpNo = D.MgrNo
and E.EmpNo = P.RespEmp
and D.DeptNo <> P.DeptNo
Does the query return duplicates
Yes If an employee manages multiple departments, or if he manages one but is responsible for multiple projects
Return the difference between each employee’s actual salary and a base salary of $40,000
select E.EmpNo, E.Salary - 4000 as SalaryDIff from Employee E
As above, but report zero if the actual salary is less than the base salary
select E.EmpNo,
case when E.Salary < 40000 then 0
else E.Salary - 40000 end
from Employee E
Expression operators include
The usual arithmetic and boolean operators
other operators eg CASE, CAST, LIKE…
numeric functions eg abs(), mod()
string functions e.g upper(), lower()
datetime functions, e.g current date()
expressions without explicit ’as’ clause are assigned default attribute names (integers)
insert into Employee
values (‘0350’, ‘Sheldon’, ‘Q’, ‘Jetstream’, ‘A00’ , 01/10/2000, 25000.00);
Insert a single tuple into the Employee relation
delete from Employee;
Delete all employees from the Employee table
delete from Employee
where WorkDept = ‘A00’;
Delete all employees in department A00 from the Employee table
insert: statements can have an arbitrary query as input, but the schema of the result reaction must match the schema of the target reaction
insert into WellPaidEmps (EmpNo, Salary(
select EmpNo, Salary
from Employee
where Salary > 100000